what we do

Our service encompasses various activities to achieve our goals

Our work

We organize various events, including private & public forums, intellectual debates, conferences, workshops, and roundtable discussions to provide a platform for impartial discussions on policy issues.


MAAN organizes forums, conferences, lectures, research/book forums, and special events throughout Somalia. These events provide platforms for leaders, policymakers, and opinion-formers to engage in impartial discussions on policy issues, increasing knowledge and awareness among stakeholders and the public.

Public Forums

We organize monthly large-scale forums and smaller events each Thursday, focusing on specific issues suggested by our members or experts. These forums are open to all and follow our guidelines and procedures.

Research/Book Events

MAAN provides a platform for discussing research reports and books authored by experts. Participants have the opportunity to challenge authors, and the events include Q&A sessions.


We host two- and three-day conferences on key regional and Somali issues, featuring high-profile speakers from within Somalia and the region. These conferences are open to invited participants, and the public can follow the talks and discussions online, allowing our members to stay updated on key issues.

Intellectual debates

MAAN invites close members, friends, and high-profile individuals from opinion-makers, civil society leaders, academia, and the business community to special occasions such as Eid and national holidays. These events aim to understand phenomena and shape new ideas.

Capacity building

MAAN organize targeted capacity development for community leaders, civil society groups, opinion influencers and youth groups to improve the scope of their understanding on good governance, civic education, peacebuilding and driving positive change.

Speakers & Participants

Since 2014, MAAN has organized numerous forums and policy briefs that have informed and influenced public opinion and policy makers in Somalia and the international community. With over 30 events held in Somalia, our forums have attracted key government officials, ambassadors, and prominent figures. Former President Hassan Sheikh, current and former government ministers, former Speaker of the Parliament Mohamed Osman Jawari, the Attorney General, politicians, Members of Parliament, scholars, and the Turkish Ambassador to Somalia have all participated in MAAN forums.

MAAN is an independent Somali platform that promotes peaceful dialogue and intellectual debate on social, economic, political, and security-related issues affecting Somalia.

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